Freedom in diversity.
Equality in rights.
Want to know what LORI can offer young people? Or what activities young LGBTIQ+ people are involved in? Check here.
Your child has come out to you? You can find useful information for parents and families of LGBTIQ+ persons here.
Want to make your work environment more inclusive of LGBTIQ+ persons? Do you know why this is important? Find information here.
You work with people and would like to broaden your knowledge and skills in order to work with LGBTIQ+ persons? Explore how LORI can help you.
You want education to be safe and inclusive of LGBTIQ+ children and young people? Find more about what LORI does in this area here.
Video podcast „I'm oGay with it“: Queer youth for parents and youth
U sklopu projekta „Glasovi mladih za društvene promjene“ mlade snage LORI kroz proljeće i ljeto marljivo su radile na osmišljavanju novog resursa za informiranje i osnaživanje LGBTI+ mladih. Sa željom da drugim mladima pruže što
Europski tjedan testiranja 2023 u Rijeci: besplatno i anonimno se testiraj na HIV i sifilis
U sklopu svog programa Podrška i osnaživanje LGBTIQ+ zajednice LORI i ove godine u Rijeci organizira Europski tjedan testiranja. Od ponedjeljka, 20. do petka, 24. studenog 2023. godine od 17 do 19 sati u sigurnom i ugodnom
Dokumentarni film „Ja bi’ da to imam doma“ za Međunarodni dan sjećanja na žrtve transfobije
Povodom Međunarodnog dana sjećanja na žrtve transfobije (20.11.), udruge LORI i K-zona pozivaju na projekciju dokumentarnog filma „Ja bi’ da to imam doma” u Circolu u utorak 21. studenog 2023. s početkom od 19:30. Nakon filma publika će imati
E-learning platform on LGBTIQ+ topics for mental health professionals
As part of the project CommonPoint an innovative and easy accessible material for training mental health professionals was created, in order to improve the quality support of LGBTIQ+ persons.
Join our Network of collaborators
We invite you to join our Network of collaborators in the field of combating homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in educational system and among youth.
Useful resources on LGBTIQ+ topics
Digital resources for schools, organisations and youth on various LGBTIQ+ topics were created within project “Supporting Inclusive Education - Building a Safe Future“.
Poziv na radionicu
Focus on how you can help and benefit your user. Use simple words so that you don't confuse people.
QueerUp Party
Focus on how you can help and benefit your user. Use simple words so that you don't confuse people.
Join our Network of collaborators
Focus on how you can help and benefit your user. Use simple words so that you don't confuse people.
Ongoing projects
Support for LGBTIQ+ persons
We provide free individual, couples, or family counseling services delivered by experts knowledgeable about the specific needs of LGBTIQ+ individuals.
Peer support includes conversations and counseling among individuals from the same community or with similar experiences.
Legal counseling is conducted by lawyers and activists with many years of experience in the field of LGBTI human rights.
As a combination of art and activism, Smoqua gathers artists and activists from Croatia and abroad with the aim of promoting queer and feminist culture and questioning social prejudices and “inviting” to reflect on them.
In three days of mingling and open dialogue in the City that flows, the audience can feel and “dive” into queer and feminist culture through: exhibitions, panel discussions and talks, workshops, theatre plays, research presentations, drag shows, performances, games and other interactive content.
LORI library
Browse our brochures and other publications and have a look at the treasure trove of queer writings.
Lezbijska organizacija Rijeka “LORI” je korisnica institucionalne podrške Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga društva za stabilizaciju i/ili razvoj udruge.