
One of the most important LORI goals is to provide support, inform and empower the LGBTIQ+ community itself; therefore, one of our pillar programs is Supporting and Empowering LGBTIQ+ community.
Psychosocial support includes, among other things, educational, creative, psychological and other empowering workshops for the LGBTIQ+ community.

Living in a homophobic, biphobic and transphobic environment, constantly facing discrimination and oppression, as well as being exposed to various forms of violence has grave consequences for lesbians, gays, bisexual, intersex and transgender persons. In addition, the incessant requirement to come out (and constant thinking about the choice of whether to hide their life or reveal it) puts LGBTIQ+ people under continuous pressure, which happens every time they meet a new person, in a private or work environment or in any other social interactions. Therefore, it is necessary to provide support for LGBTIQ+ persons, the one that will empower them and help them solve specific difficulties they face.

Educational workshops focus mostly on LGBTIQ+ issues, human rights in general, and women's rights. Some of the topics at earlier workshops were: coming out, understanding transgender identities, queer, women's rights, feminism in our area, media and human rights, and many others.

In addition, educational workshops can also focus on the organisation of work and organisational activities, primarily intended for activists and volunteers, e.g. on project management, teamwork, team communication, leading specific activities and the like.

Psychological workshops were very topical in LORI in the early 2000s, and the most common topics were self-acceptance, internalised homophobia, lesbian relationships, sexuality, relationships, nonviolent communication methods, and assertive behaviour.
Educational and/or empowering workshops are diverse: from learning about the basics of electricity through constructing an electric lamp, to how to be more engaged in your community.

On creative workshops we usually make decorations and banners, often for a special action or occasion, for example, for Pride, protests, Night March and the like.

LORI previous workshops are below (texts are in Croatian):

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