Social events
Within one of our pillar programs, Supporting and Empowering LGBTIQ+ community, LORI regularly organises a variety of social content aimed at empowering and connecting the community in a safe and supportive space.
The social team is responsible for designing and organising social and cultural activities, e.g. exhibitions, workshops pub quizzes, literary evenings, Queer poetRI – evenings of reading queer poetry, film screenings, etc.
Social events are held according to the agreement of the team and the interest of the community - approximately at least once every two months. They are LORI constant activities, and some of the contents are: Queer-UP! Party, Queer walks, Queer karaoke, FabRika (Factory in English), film screenings, educational and/or creative workshops, etc. Previously we also had frequent board game evenings in LORI and/or friendly cafes, as well as sports days, movie nights, etc.

As part of another LORI pillar programme, Combatting discrimination and advancing the rights of LGBTI persons, we mark dates and events of importance for the LGBTIQ+ community, for example, through organising community events: film screenings, stand-up comedy nights, etc., in collaboration with queer-friendly clubs, cafes, cinemas. For example, since 2013 LORI has been organising IDAHOBIT Week in Rijeka (marking 17 May - International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia), marking the Stonewall Riot, etc.
The easiest way to stay informed about scheduled events is through LORI Facebook, website, and Instagram or through the mailing list, which you need to sign up for by sending an email to , with the note: I want to be on the mailing list.
Some of LORI previous social events are below (texts are in Croatian):
Boardanje: društvene igre u LORI
House of Flamingo x Queer-UP! Party u Pogonu Kulture
Queer-UP! Party by LORI: Queer Resilience
Queer šetnja u Parku lovora uz queer priče iz davnina
Queer-UP! Party by LORI: Winter Wonderland
Dokumentarni film „Ja bi’ da to imam doma“ za Međunarodni dan sjećanja na žrtve transfobije