Project Info

Stethoscope with rainbow ribbon
Project “From the margins to the focus - Health needs of LBTQ women” is aimed at fighting against discrimination and inequalities in the health sector by specifically addressing the needs of LBTQ women (lesbians, bisexual, transgender and queer women) in healthcare system. The main goal of this project is to improve the availability and quality of health services

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Drage lezbijke, biseksualne, trans cure, žene, s velikom vas radošću pozivamo na radionicu: Kako (o)jačati psihičko zdravlje? Vrijeme: utorak, 18. lipnja 2024. godine u 18:00. Lokacija: udruga LORI, Janeza Trdine 7, 4. kat, Rijeka. Radionica je zamišljena kao
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