Combatting homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in educational system
Sexual orientation and/or gender identity are the basis of discrimination, social stigmatization and marginalization in different areas including education. In Croatian schools, different forms of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia are visible alongside with worrying presence of peer violence and harassment based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Violent behaviour leaves direct, but also long-term consequences on the psychosocial health of the youth that experienced it, as well as on their success in school, private and professional life.
Violence against LGBTIQ+ youth should be approached as a complex social issue, that can be solved using a strategic approach and by all social and institutional bodies taking responsibility, which can in the end contribute to the creation of a sustainable, accepted and efficient way in which the state and society should deal with the acknowledged problem.

The main goal of this LORI programme is reducing homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and peer violence based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression in educational system, as well as protecting human rights and providing support to LGBTIQ+ youth. The programme is ongoing through various projects and activities since 2012, and some of the main activities of the programme are:
- educating elementary school and secondary school students with the goal of preventing peer violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression
- educating teachers and school professionals in elementary and secondary schools on LGBTI topics
- publishing and distribution of publications for school professionals and youth
- development of educational materials
- psychosocial support for LGBTIQ+ youth
- advocating combatting homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in educational system
- support in implementing Civic and Health education in schools