Previous projects

Night march: commemorating Women’s Day
The action is led by Rijeka citizens (hrv.: Građanke i građani Rijeke), an informal initiative that exists since 2018, and Lesbian organisation Rijeka – LORI, from March 2nd to March 31st 2024 in Rijeka. The Night march for March 8th is a protest action aimed to deliver a message on what is necessary to do for preventing gender-based violence, protecting women's rights and reproductive rights, and to mobilize the public.

Youth for Equality (2023.)
Project 'Youth for Equality' is conducted by Lesbian Organistion Rijeka - LORI from January 1st, 2023 until the end of December 2023. The project is worth 9.954,21 €, ensured through the financial support of the Central State Office of Demography and Youth. The main objective is reducing violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity against and amongst youth along with ensuring support for LGBTI youth. Target groups are: youth, LGBTI youth, teaching staff, and school professionals.

Youth for LGBTIQ+ Youth (2023.)
The project "Youth for LGBTIQ+ Youth" is conducted by the Lesbian Organisation Rijeka - LORI (Project Coordinator) and Norsensus Mediaforum (Norway) from July 26th to October 15th , 2023. The project is worth €5,733.90, supported by the Active Citizens Fund Program in Croatia from the Fund for Bilateral Cooperation. This collaboration is a continuation of the project "Support Inclusive Education - Building a Safe Future"

Queer+ security (2023.)
Projekt Queer+ security za cilj ima osigurati temelje za siguran i inkluzivan clubbing te time omogućiti nesmetan razvoj i rast lokalnih LGBTIQ zajednica, kojima je klupski život jedan od temelja formiranja zajedništva. Ideja za projekt je proizašla konstantnog prisustva nasilja i uvreda usmjerenih prema LGBITQ+ osobama u klubovima, koji tek rijetko bivaju prijavljeni.

LGBTIQ Work Equality Alliance (2022. – 2023.)
LGBTIQ Work Equality Alliance project is a continuation of the efforts of Croatian and Slovenian civil society organisations (CSOs), companies and other employers, and trade unions in addressing discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESCE) and promotion of inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people in employment.

Youth Voices for Social Changes (2022. - 2023.)
The project contributes to building the capacity of two civil society organisations (CSOs) in working with youth but it is also focused on improving the skills and knowledge of LGBTI+ youth. In true partnership, this project will bring together young people from Croatia and Slovenia conducting joint activities and raising awareness on the importance of active civic participation of LGBTI+ youth in the community.

SPONA (2022. - 2023.)
At the end of July 2022, The Ambidexter club, partnered with the Nansen Dialogue centre, the Association of promoting informatics, culture and coexistence IKS, SOS Rijeka- the centre of nonviolence and human rights, Lesbian Organisation Rijeka - LORI and the Association for human rights and civic participation “PaRiter” began implementing project SPONA- solidarity in supporting youth facing the risk of poverty, social exclusion, and violence as well as young people in distressing situations.

Healthy relationships (2022. - 2023.)
Project “Healthy Relationships” lasts from September 1st, 2022 to November 30th, 2023 and it is focused on the key problem of the lack of content from the field of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in school curricula, the lack of recognition of its importance by relevant stakeholders, and the stigma based on inaccurate information that’s surrounding CSE. Key activities are research activities in primary and secondary schools with a focus on elements of CSE, advocacy for the introduction of CSE, and public awareness of the benefits of introducing CSE.

Rainbow Way (2022. – 2023.)
Project ‘Rainbow Way’ is conducted by Project Coordinator Bonsai and partner organisations Rainbow Families and Lesbian Organisation Rijeka – LORI from October 2022 until end of May 2023. Project goals: Strengthening the capacity of LGBTIQ youth in Dubrovnik to realize their civil and human rights, enhancing the competencies of professional staff (schools and organizations) and youth workers on LGBTIQ topics, and providing support to LGBTIQ youth.

Supporting Inclusive Education - Building a Safe Future (2021. – 2023.)
The project contributes to building the capacity of civil society organisations (CSOs) and educational institutions to implement LGBTI human rights education and encourages cross-sectoral cooperation in the implementation of human rights education. It also increases young people's awareness of civic activism and strengthens their capacity for social action and involves them in the work of civil society organisations.

Common Point (2019.-2022.)
Project Common Point - Innovative approaches to training mental health service providers for the quality support of LGBTQI people lasts from October 1st 2019 until July 31st 2022. Through the exchange of good practices at European level, project aims at developing innovative materials of wide diffusion that gather these experiences and multiply their impact in diverse territorial contexts.

Work Equality for All (2019.-2021.)
Work Equality for All is project conducted by Expanse of Gender and Media Culture 'Common Zone' (Croatia), Lesbian Organisation Rijeka LORI (Croatia), Stichting Centrum Tûmba (Netherlands) and SOLIDARNA- Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity (Croatia). Project is based on the results and findings of project Alliance for LGBTI Workplace Equality

P.R.I.D.E. - Promoting Rights, Identity, Diversity and Education (2019.-2020.)
Together with 7 other organizations from Southern and Eastern Europe, Magnet organisation from Serbia implements the project Promoting Rights, Inclusion, Diversity and Education – P.R.I.D.E., granted by the Serbian Erasmus+ National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme. The aim of the project is to contribute to the effort of citizens and civil society organisations from Eastern and Southern Europe to address the needs of young LGBTQ+ and to decrease bias and discrimination towards them.

Supporting Inclusive Education - Building a Safe Future (2018.-2019.)
Project ‘Supporting Inclusive Education - Building a Safe Future’ is conducted by Project Coordinator Lesbian Organisation Rijeka – LORI and partner organisations Rainbow Families and Norsensus Mediaforum (Norway) from January 2021 until end of February 2023. Project is worth 129.600,00 €, ensured through financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021. The overall goal of the project is to strengthen democratic culture and civic awareness by reducing homo/bi/transphobia in the education and to improve the position of LGBTIQ youth.

Not Just Numbers (2017.)
Lesbian Organisation Rijeka – LORI participated as a partner organisation in the Erasmus+ project ‘Not just Numbers’. Four LORI activists have attended this international youth worker mobility project aimed at strengthening cooperation and developing capacity of youth organisations in dealing with migration and asylum issues. Eight-day training was organized by CSO StepEurope and carried out in Turku (Finland) from 7th to 15th of December, 2017.

Respect Human Rights – Build Inclusive Society (2015.-2017.)
„Respect Human Rights – Build Inclusive Society“ is a project mutually conducted by Lesbian Organization Rijeka LORI, Zagreb Pride and Trans Aid. The project lasts for 18 months (from November 2015 until May 2017) and it is financed by European Union. In developing the project plan, each partner’s specific expertise has been applied – LORI’s experience in organizing public actions, campaigns and education, Zagreb Pride’s experience in public advocacy and established cooperation with public institutions, as well as Trans Aid’s knowledge of trans rights which at the moment require special consideration in Croatia.

Alliance For LGBTI Workplace Equality (2015.-2017.)
„Alliance For LGBTI Workplace Equality“ is a project mutually conducted by Expansion of Gender and Media Culture 'Common Zone', OWID-Organization for Workers' Initiative and Democratization, NGO Dawn and Lesbian Organization Rijeka LORI in collaboration with associations Trans Aid and Zagreb Pride. The project lasts for 18 months (from November 2015 until May 2017) and aims to strengthen the capacities of organizations for human and labor rights with regard to discrimination against LGBTI people on the basis of gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation in the workplace.

Compass: Human Rights Training (2016.)
Compass: Human Rights Training is an Erasmus+ project intended to educate persons interested in human rights and youth workers educating youngsters on human rights. Eight-day training is organized by CSO StepEurope and carried out in Kaarina (Finland) from 20th to 28th of March, 2016. Training involved 28participants from 7 Erasmus+ Programme countries (Finland, Sweden, Italy, Greece, Romania, UK and Croatia) as well as a team of four trainers/experts and three logistical and management support workers.

For schools without homophobia, transphobia and prejudice (2015.-2016.)
With the aim of suppression of all the forms of violence based on the sexual orientation and gender identity among youngsters and within the educational institutions, NGOs Zagreb Pride and LORI have initiated the project For schools without homophobia, transphobia and prejudice. Project is financed by the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth of the Government of Croatia and is being carried out from November 2015 to October 2016.

Human Library in Action against Prejudice (2015.)
The project Human Library in Action against Prejudice is an innovative, interactive and, until now, little-used concept in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, but also in the whole of Croatia. The project aims to promote and protect human rights, reduce prejudice and foster understanding and tolerance. The Human Library method represents a successful instrument in the promotion of human rights, and its function is twofold. On the one hand, members of vulnerable and stigmatized groups who are involved in the action are given an opportunity for empowerment, as well as an opportunity to become active participants in the creation of a more tolerant society that respects the rights of all citizens. On the other hand, by engaging in the dialogue, Human Library visitors are sensitized and informed: personal approach and experience help change their former views, reduce negative tensions and strengthen their empathy towards others who are different.

Gender equality impact in local communities (2014.)
LORI has implemented of the project "Gender equality impact in local communities" with the support of the National Foundation for Civil Society Development. The project was carried out by five NGOs from five different Croatian counties which are covering far geographical points of Croatia and are concerned with different social aspects: NGO LORI – LGBT rights and empowerment of the LGBT community (Primorje-Gorski Kotar County), NGO Zora – human rights and gender equality (Međimurje County), K-zona – gender and media culture (City of Zagreb), Pobjede – protection and promotion of animal rights (Osjek-Baranja County) and NGO Bonsai – development of volunteer practice (Dubrovnik-Neretva County). The main carrier of the project worth 324.953,00 kn was K-Zona, which is the organiser of the Vox Faminae festival in Zagreb every autumn since 2007.