How you can support LORI
- Volunteer in LORI activities,
- Contribute to our work with your knowledge and expertise. Would you love to hold a workshop for the LGBTIQ+ community? Are you offering your proofreading or translation skills? Or perhaps you would like to do the graphic design for a brochure?,
- Advocate equality, acceptance and solidarity among people,
- Support lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer persons when they ask your advice or support regarding their sexual orientation and/or gender identity or gender expression,
- A financial donation.

LORI is a non-profit organisation that ensures funding for its activities through grants and donations from companies or individuals. Financial operations of LORI are regularly reviewed as part of reports to donors, and independent financial audits.
Your donation enables us to provide free psychosocial and legal support to LGBTIQ+ persons, to advocate social changes aimed at reducing discrimination and violence, to create a better and fairer world and to continue to support LGBTIQ+ youth.
You can financially support LORI by:
Direct payment
Foreign donations:
Lesbian Organisation Rijeka - LORI)
Address: Janeza Trdine 7/4, 51 000, Rijeka, Croatia
Bank: Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.
IBAN: HR6123400091117014659
Specification: Donation for LORI organisation
Reference number: date of payment
Account number: 703000-128379
PIN (Personal Identification Number): 01267568124
Standing order
If you wish to provide continued support, you can set up a monthly standing order with the donation amount of your choice.
For PayPal contributions, our email address is: