Project “From the margins to the focus - Health needs of LBTQ women” is aimed at fighting against discrimination and inequalities in the health sector by specifically addressing the needs of LBTQ women (lesbians, bisexual, transgender and queer women) in healthcare system. The main goal of this project is to improve the availability and quality of health services for lesbians, bisexual, transgender and queer women. This project will increase visibility of the topic and raise awareness of health professionals, university students, decision-makers and the public on challenges that LBTQ women face in the field of health.
The project is implemented by Lesbian Organisation Rijeka - LORI from 20th December 2023 to 19th December 2024, and is financed by the European Union with the amount of €17,810 through EL*C program (within CERV-2022-OG- SGA Operating Grant Framework Partnership).
The main project activities include:
- conducting research on the health status and needs of LBTQ women in Croatia,
- workshops for LBTQ women,
- lectures on LGBTIQ+ topics for psychology and medicine students,
- a round table on the health needs of LBTQ women.
Funded by the EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community and co-funded by the European Union.
Cover photo: Love Stock photos by Vecteezy