1st Digital Edition of GSG Magazine: homage to Smoqua

The first issue of Magazine for Contemporary Art and Social Issues of From the Citizens to Their City , which was dedicate to the Smoqua and presented on the 2nd Smoqua, is finally available online.

On an international artistic platform ArtsEverywhere in the 1st GSG magazine, you can see photos about gender and war by the artist Ana Hoffner, read about the state of reproductive rights in Croatia (by Marinella Matejčić), as well as a kind of glossary of feminist and LGBTIQ terms by Brigita Miloš and Monica Cano Abadia, and "go through" a Queer walk in Rijeka along text by Antonija Stojanović Almesberger and photos by Ana Opalić.

Graphic design and prepress is the work of Ana Tomić and Marino Krstačić-Furić while the editor-in-chief is Iva Kovač. The full issue is available in English, or as a PDF for download here.

The first issue of GSG Magazine is financially supported by the Musagetes Foundation.


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