LORI educational activities
By being involved longtime in the field of human rights, LORI has recognised the importance of educating and informing the broader public about LGBTIQ+ topics with the goal of creating a safer and more inclusive environment for all.
Social stigma towards LGBTIQ+ persons often comes from lack of knowledge, which can lead to perpetuation of stereotypes, spread of prejudice and, unfortunately, sometimes to discrimination and violence.
Exactly for that reason, LORI is very engaged in carrying out educational activities that cover the broader spectrum of LGBTIQ+ topics and offer a deeper look into the problems.

Includes defining and understanding basic concepts such as sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation.
Includes getting to know the context of human rights, legal framework and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, getting to know types of violence, understanding derogatory speech as a type of violence, understanding hate speech and hate crimes, considering consequences of violence for LGBTIQ+ persons.
Includes getting to know the process and complexities of discovering sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Includes getting to know and understanding the topic of being trans and the broader challenges that people, whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth, face. The topic also involves informing about terminology and the use of affirmative language.
Includes explaining the broader social context as part of which negative views, aversions, irrational fears, hate, prejudice and discrimination towards lesbians, gay men, bisexual people, transgender people and intersex people are being created. The heteronormative framework is being deconstructed and different types of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and interphobia are being discovered through examples.
Includes basic information about gender equality, existing gender stereotypes and prejudice and points to different, visible and less visible, forms of discrimination. It also includes gender sensitive language and women’s human rights.
Who are these educational activities for?
Educational activities held by LORI are meant for various professionals, decision makers, youth and actually anyone who wishes to work on the increase of knowledge and awareness about LGBTIQ+ topics and the concept of gender equality.
The process can involve group work or an individual approach accompanied by workshops, lectures and exercises as an important part of experience-based learning, whereas the length of educational activities is arranged according to the needs of the participants. Fitting work material, hand-outs and presentations are following all activities and lectures.
So far LORI has held educational activities:
The organisation has experience in leading one-day and multiple-day long educational activities (since 2001), trainings and seminars for different professionals in the fields of health, activism, education and others. So far, mental health workers (fields of psychology, psychiatry, social work, crisis hotline operators etc.), activists from civil society organisations, media professionals and police officers participated in LORI educational activities.
Since 2012 LORI conducts one-day and multiple-day long educations specifically arranged for workers in elementary and secondary schools, in regard to reducing homophobia, transphobia and the protection of LGBTIQ+ youth. We hold the activities independently as well as in collaboration with local and international professionals. So far, elementary and secondary school staff and principals from entire Croatia participated in the educational activities.
Some of the previous seminars can be viewed here (texts are in Croatian):
2022. Seminar "LGBTI youth in school environment“
2016. Seminar "LGBTIyouth in school environment and the role of school in combating LGBTIQ phobia“
2015. Seminar "LGBT youth, homophobic, biphobic and transphobic violence and recommendations for school staff“
LORI holds educational activities for employers across Croatia about different topics regarding creating safe and accepting working environment for LGBTIQ+ persons. We offer variety of activities arranged according to prior knowledge and the profiles of workers (management, human resources, employees, etc.) So far, employers from the public and private sector have participated in our educations.
In 2023 employers had the chance to engage in the educational programme for the improvement of working conditions and organizational culture of employers free of charge within project “Work Equality for All!“.
Since 2012 LORI continuously holds interactive lectures and workshops with youth in elementary and secondary schools in Rijeka and its surroundings. Lectures have the goal to inform students about LGBTIQ+ topics, human rights and violence towards LGBTIQ+ persons and sensitize them for better acceptance of their LGBTIQ+ peers. The content is adapted to students of the 7th and 8th grade of elementary school and all grades of secondary school.
Since 2001 LORI is successfully collaborating with the Faculties of the University of Rijeka through providing lectures on different LGBTIQ+ topics. Further, in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Studies of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka and partner civil society organisations from Rijeka, LORI participates in carrying out the course “Gender, Sexuality, Identities – from Oppression to Equality” for students of the University of Rijeka since 2019. Additionally, for years LORI mentors students and offers the possibility of internship and similar traineeship.