Work Equality for All is project conducted by Expanse of Gender and Media Culture ‘Common Zone’ (Croatia), Lesbian Organisation Rijeka LORI (Croatia), Stichting Centrum Tûmba (Netherlands) and SOLIDARNA- Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity (Croatia). Project is based on the results and findings of project Alliance for LGBTI Workplace Equality which was implemented by LORI, Common Zone, OWID-Organisation for Workers’ Initiative and Democratization and CSO Dawn (2015 – 2017) and represents its extension and continuation.
Project lasts from January 2019 until the end of April 2021 and the main aim is to contribute to protection of Human rights and combating discrimination towards LGBTI employees.
Objectives: Enforce LGBTI workplace equality through fostering education, development of tools, knowledge sharing and cooperation between trade unions, employers and CSO’s and improving awareness of rights by LGBTI people.
Main activities:
• workplace equality index and campaign,
• trainings and educational platform for employers and trade unions,
• production of documentary and cultural events for LGBTI community,
• organisation of the LGBT workplace equality conference.

This project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).
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