As part of the project "Youth Voices for Social ChangesLORI youth worked diligently all throughout spring and summer on coming up with a new resource for informing and empowering LGBTI+ youth.
Wanting to offer as much information to other youth and point to support resources, the group decided to create the video podcast „I'm oGay with it“ and shape their messages towards parents of queer youth as well. In the video they talk about coming out -and how to handle reactions of parents and loved ones from their own perspective. Apart from that, the video offers a few pieces of advice to parents on how they can be supportive of their queer child, how they can build relationships based on understanding, and for youth where and who they can additionally contact.
The video can be watched in Croatian with Croatian and English subtitles available. The whole video is on the LORI YouTube channel and is worth being watched in detail. 😊
Some clips that help turn the wheels regarding certain topics have been singled out and can also be found on the LORI YouTube channel:
Youth from partner organisation Ljubljana Pride prepared an activist magazine to raise visibility of LGBTIQ+ topics for youth and came up with a digital calendar that follows important topics in human rights (for example IDAHOBIT, Pride month). We are thrilled by new ideas and initiatives and working with youth who inspire the community! 😊
The video podcast is part of the project ‘Youth Voices for Social Changes’ which is conducted by Project Coordinator Lesbian Organisation Rijeka – LORI and partner organisation Pride Parade Association from April 2022 until the end of November 2023. The project is worth 60.000 €, ensured through the financial support of European Union's Erasmus + Programme.