The main goal of the project titled “Safety and Equality in Classrooms” is to enhance inclusion, equality and non-discrimination in education and to ensure support for LGBTIQ+ youth.
The project is implemented by Lesbian organization Rijeka – LORI from November 1st 2023 – April 30th 2025 and is financed with the amount of 55.727,59 € in the scope of the Impact4value programme.
Project will raise awareness of school staff and the public on problem of LGBTI-phobia in education and the importance of an inclusive environment in schools. Project will also build capacities of educational institutions and school staff to combat LGBTI-phobic speech and peer violence in schools and to provide support to LGBTI students. The knowledge of youth about the harmfulness of LGBTI-phobic speech and behaviour is to be increased, and better acceptance of LGBTIQ+ students in schools will be encouraged. Too, psychosocial support and legal aid for LGBTIQ+ youth will be provided. Main activities are: 1) Creating Booklet on combatting LGBTI-phobic speech and behaviour in school environment, 2) Informing schools and distribution of the Booklet, 3) Campaign for raising awareness among youth on harmfulness of LGBTI-phobic speech, 4) A panel discussion, 5) Educating school staff, 6) Educational activities with school students and 7) Psychosocial support and legal aid for LGBTIQ+ youth.
The Impact4Values program is co-financed by the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

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