„Alliance For LGBTI Workplace Equality“ is a project mutually conducted by Expansion of Gender and Media Culture 'Common Zone', OWID-Organization for Workers' Initiative and Democratization, NGO Dawn and Lesbian Organization Rijeka LORI in collaboration with associations Trans Aid and Zagreb Pride. The project lasts for 18 months (from November 2015 until May 2017) and aims to strengthen the capacities of organizations for human and labor rights with regard to discrimination against LGBTI people on the basis of gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation in the workplace.
Through training of volunteers and the development and implementation of volunteer programs for students based on the doctrine of protection of LGBTI rights - conditions for the participation of students in the work of local organizations will be created, thereby ensuring long-term sustainability of their advocacy of human and labor rights of LGBTI people.
Through cooperation and training with European organizations involved in the protection of LGBTI labor rights, the poll conducted within the LGBTI population and through research on the current state of LGBTI rights in workplace, public panels with representatives of LGBTI organizations and communities, trade unions and equality bodies and the formation of working groups - an advocacy model in the direction of policy-making for the future improvement of LGBTI labor rights will be created.
Project activities are specially designed to ensure the basic human rights of LGBTI people by improving their labor rights which will further be enabled by an online platform providing relevant information regarding employment, legal guidelines that protect labor rights as well as specific legal support. These activities will strengthen LGBTI people and encourage them to be active in ensuring their rights through a network of support created in cooperation with the trade unions. The project will create a cross-sectoral network of cooperation among LGBTI people, civil society organizations (local and international), trade unions and equality bodies as well as strengthen cooperation with all relevant decision-makers through constant communication and joint activities.
Promotional activities are designed to raise awareness about the importance of equality in workplace for lesbian, gay, bi, trans and inter workers and increase the visibility of positive practice of inclusive workplaces in the public. Creation of workplace equality indicator and prizes for the employer who is most concerned about diversity and equality will raise awareness about discrimination against LGBTI people at work and also advocate for the improvement of their work conditions in the future.
The project "Alliance For LGBTI Workplace Equality“ is funded by the European Union - Component I IPA 2012 Pre-Accession Assistance Program - Transition Assistance and Institution Building, area: Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Society Organizations for Effective Implementation of EU Standards in the Field of Human Rights, and co-financed by the Office for Associations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.