Project 'Youth for Equality' is conducted by Lesbian Organistion Rijeka - LORI from January 1st, 2023 until the end of December 2023. The project is worth 9.954,21 €, ensured through the financial support of the Central State Office of Demography and Youth.
The main objective is reducing violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity against and amongst youth along with ensuring support for LGBTI youth.
Target groups are: youth, LGBTI youth, teaching staff, and school professionals.
During schooling, it’s hard to get objective information about gender identity and/or sexual orientation and increase the understanding of these topics among youth. A big percentage of high school students in Croatia show negative attitudes towards LGBTI persons, which can lead to discrimination and violence.
Project activities are therefore directed towards informing and sensitizing youth and offering support to LGBTI youth as it is a particularly vulnerable group. There will be organised lectures with high school students in collaboration with schools, and teaching staff and school professionals will also be educated. Apart from lectures in schools, lectures will be given to the students at the University of Rijeka and the youth will have opportunities to create digital resources. These resources will serve as a type of support to other youth and as an additional source of information about these topics.
Project ‘Youth for Equality’ is conducted by Lezbijska organizacija Rijeka „LORI“. The content is the sole responsibility of Lesbian Organisation Rijeka - LORI and can under no circumstances be seen as a reflection of the views of the giver of financial support, Central State Office of Demography and Youth.