Together with 7 other organizations from Southern and Eastern Europe, Magnet organisation from Serbia implements the project Promoting Rights, Inclusion, Diversity and Education – P.R.I.D.E., granted by the Serbian Erasmus+ National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme.
The aim of the project is to contribute to the effort of citizens and civil society organisations from Eastern and Southern Europe to address the needs of young LGBTQ+ and to decrease bias and discrimination towards them. The main activity on the project is training for trainers with special focus on gender equality, sexism and social inclusion. The training will gather 24 youth workers from 9 different countries, with an aim to build their capacities to become trainers in non-formal education and to be able to autonomously run workshops and training sessions. The activity will take place from 16th to 24th February 2020, in the centre for non-formal education Magnet House in Serbia. The final outcome of the project will be the creation of a pool of trainers of young LGBTQ+ people who are equipped with the set of competences needed to disseminate gained skills and knowledge in their communities
The project is coordinated by the Serbian organisation Magnet, with partners: Arciragazzi Portici from Italy, Associacao Azes Valboenses from Portugal, Go Free from Romania, Lesbian Organisation Rijeka LORI from Croatia, Citizens in Action from Greece, Center for Intercultural Dialogue from North Macedonia, Lingue de l’Enseignement Nouvelle Aquitaine from France.