Despite everything, we are here!😀
We are extremely happy and proud to announce the 4th edition of Smoqua, offering rich, inspiring and diverse program. Lesbian Organisation Rijeka LORI, in collaboration with PaRiter, From the Citizens to Their City, and Centre for Women’s Studies (University of Rijeka), invites you to join us in celebrating diversity, love, art and activism from Thursday 15th to Saturday 17th October 2020. in Rijeka.
Smoqua is a combination of art and activism, serving as a networking platform for art/activist projects and for creating and strengthening collaboration among diverse audiences. The overarching theme of this edition of Smoqua is Semo qua (’We are here’in the Fiuman dialect). , and since 2020 marks 20 years of the existence of LORI as the first registered lesbian organization in Croatia, all Festival activities – various exhibitions, an activist intervention, panel-discussions, workshops, performances, research presentations, drag show and many others – are aimed at questioning prejudice and its deconstruction. The festival brings together 30+ activists and artists from more than ten countries, spanning three continents: Argentina, USA, Norway, Belgium, Sweden etc.
Smoqua is part of the Kitchen of Diversity Flagship within Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture.
12.00 – 23.00 Hanging out at the Festival Meeting Point
Palach is the Festival gathering place, where visitors can get information about the program, hang out with other participants and give donations in exchange for promotional items. hengati se i prema želji donirati za promotivne materijale.
OKC Palach, Kružna 8
14.00 – 15.00 Queer Tango (AT/AR/HR) & Festival Opening
Let’s queer up the Korzo for a few minutes – and dance in front of the City Hall! The dance is led by Damian Cortes Alberti with the support of the Flame dance group from Rijeka. Queer Tango is a result of a movement that has united women upset by the heteronormative setting of having to wait to be asked to dance and queer people feeling the desire to dance with the partners they want – no matter in what role.
In front of City Hall, Korzo 16
15.00 – 16.00 Opening of the 20 years of LORI Activist Exhibition
If you want to know more about LORI’s 20 years in LGBTIQ activism, and queer and feminist culture, join us at the City Hall and explore photographs, newspaper articles, and various testimonies. The exhibition has been designed by artist Nika Rukavina from Rijeka.
City Hall display windows, Korzo 16
17.00 – 19.00 Panel Discussion: Human Rights of LGBTI Persons in Europe and Croatia
Facilitated by Antonia Pindulić. Speakers: Geraldine Guille, representative of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Ana Urlić, Zagreb Pride activist and Dijana Kesonja, Advisor to the Ombudswoman of Croatia. They will discuss the results of the research conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights on violence and discrimination against LGBTI persons in Europe and Zagreb Pride's research in Croatia.
City Hall, Korzo 6
19.00 – 20.00 Project Presentation: AIDS – Based on a True Story, Vladimir Čajkovac (BE/HR)
Vladimir Čajkovac, curator, will present the AIDS – Based on a True Story research underpinning exhibitions held at the Hygiene Museum in Dresden and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum in Geneva. Analyzing visual representations of HIV/AIDS, Čajkovac will try to establish a relationship with today's visual language of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gallery SKC, OKC Palach, Kružna 8
20.00 – 21.00 Pandemic – Based on a True Story Exhibition Opening, Vladimir Čajkovac (BE/HR)
AIDS has been marginalized as a disease of Others since the early 1980s and, as such, has long awaited a serious health and policy response. Exhibition is curated by Vladimir Čajkovac.
Gallery SKC, OKC Palach, Kružna 8

21.00 – 23.00 Performance by the Notorious Women Choir (HR)
Loud, female, and notorious? In cooperation with the Women's Lives More Loudly program, a manifesto on women's satisfaction will be handed out to the audience, and a concert will be held by a local women’s pop-up choir supported by the VINS choir. Traditional Croatian songs will be performed, corrected in terms of gender sensitivity.
OKC Palach, Kružna 8
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 2020
14.00 – 15.00 Talk on (Queer) Women in Visual Industry
Yenni Lee, Norwegian director and screenwriter, and Marija Katalinić, expert in visual culture – two feminists, activists and artists – will present their work and talk about their experiences in the visual industry. The talk is facilitated by Sara Blažić, actress and journalist from Rijeka.
OKC Palach, Kružna 8
15.00 – 16.00 Games Without Borders, Antonia Pindulić (HR)
Through interactive and educational games, visitors can get acquainted with and sensitized to topics in the field of human rights and everyday life of LGBTIQ persons.
OKC Palach, Kružna 8
15.00 – 17.00 Workshop: Making Activist Jewelry, Jana Ažić and Elena Apostolovski (HR)
A workshop of creativity and active participation in which everyone will have the opportunity to design and create jewelry according to their own taste. All necessary materials will be provided.
OKC Palach, Kružna 8
16.00 – 17.00 Feminist Walk Around Rijeka, Jelena Bellolan (HR)
Are you interested in finding out about significant women who contributed to the development of the city that flows? During the tour of the city center, the lack of representation of women in public spaces will become manifest. A digital description of the tour will be available on an interactive map within the Rijeka in Flux project.
City center, start: Janeza Trdine 7
18.00 – 19.00 Workshop: Self-Sustainable Funding for Feminist Realities, Evdokia Romanova (RU) - CANCELLED!
The workshop aims to bring the awareness of self-sustainable funding to feminist organizations and to highlight successful fundraising practices. Under the guidance of Evdokia Romanova, activist and advisor at Frida Feminist Foundation, you can explore the revolutionary opportunities to become independent from donors and grants.
OKC Palach, Kružna 8
18.00 – 19.00 Presentation: In Plain Sight, Cassils (CA/US)
In Plain Sight is a coalition of 80 artists united to create an artwork dedicated to the abolition of immigrant detention and the United States culture of incarceration. The project launched US sky-typing fleets to spell out artist-generated messages over detention facilities, immigration courts and other sites of historic relevance.
Gallery SKC, OKC Palach, Kružna 8
19.00 – 20.00 Pawn March: Presentation of the Artist/Activist Performance, Tools for Action (NL)
Pawn March is a critical and humorous performance created through the collaboration of the artist/activist group Tools for Action with the citizens of Rijeka in order to support the struggle for a life in freedom. Pawn March was created as a warning that women's rights are being used as a political tool.
Gallery SKC, OKC Palach, Kružna 8

11.00 – 15.00 Workshop: Recipes for Resistance: Tactics and Principles for Creative Forms of Protest, Shailoh Philips (NL) and Marinella Matejčić (HR) - CANCELLED
In this practical and playful workshop, we will explore some of the core tactics, principles and theories for self-organization and the intersection of arts and activism with Shailoh Philips, activist and artist, and Marinella Matejčić, activist from PaRiter. Registration required at:
OKC Palach, Kružna 8
16.00 – 17.00 Workshop on Sex Toys, LELO (SE/HR)
Are you interested in intimate products but you don't know who to ask? Join us at this interactive workshop about sex toys and learn a lot from experts at LELO company. LELO is the world's leading brand in luxury intimate products, encouraging dialogue on a healthier and more complete approach to sex life.
OKC Palach, Kružna 8
19.00 – 00.00 Queer UP! Party, GNUČČI (SE) & DJ Mirilo (HR)
Ana Rab, known by her stage name Gnučči, is a multimedia musician and artist. She is an exceptional voice in club music and uses a wide range of styles with eclectic influences putting on unforgettable live performances. DJ Mirilo from Rijeka will take us on a epic musical journey with the electronic rhythms of funk, melodic house and r'n'b sounds.
Club Crkva, Ružićeva 22
20.00 – 20.45 Drag show, Eve Is Sick of Adam (BE)
Drag artist from Brussels Eve Is Sick of Adam redefines gender roles and sexuality in live performances through breaking rules, norms and other narrow constraints.
Club Crkva, Ružićeva 22
*Admission to all festival activities is free except to Queer-UP! Party, where donations can be given at the entrance.
Organisers: LORI + PaRiter, From the Citizens to Their City, Centar za ženske studije pri Filozofskom fakultetu u Rijeci

Smoqua is financially supported by: Rijeka 2020–Europska prijestolnica kulture / Grad Rijeka / Primorje-Gorski Kotar county / Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske / Europska komisija / Global Fund for Women / Astraea / Norveška ambasada / Musagetes / Adria print

The festival is supported by: Omladinski Kulturni Centar Palach, Molekula, Linz Kultur, RedSapata, Canada Council for the Arts