At the end of July 2022, The Ambidexter club, partnered with the Nansen Dialogue centre, the Association of promoting informatics, culture and coexistence IKS, SOS Rijeka- the centre of nonviolence and human rights, Lesbian Organisation Rijeka - LORI and the Association for human rights and civic participation “PaRiter” began implementing project SPONA- solidarity in supporting youth facing the risk of poverty, social exclusion and violence as well as young people in distressing situations.
The purpose of the project that is to be conducted over the course of 14 months, is to contribute to the societal development by improving the efficacy of civil society in responding to the needs of the local community, particularly in critical situations.
The project goals:
- Expanding the abilities of partner organisations in responding to the needs of local communities with reference to social inclusion of youth that face the risk of social exclusion;
- Empowering both civil society organisations and active citizens to induce an effective response regarding young people in crisis situations;
- Contributing in responding to local needs of youth from vulnerable groups and their empowerment through civic actions in which young people themselves advocate for other young people.
The project includes 6 civil society organisations which will be trained to work with young people facing crisis situations, particularly youth from vulnerable groups that face the risk of social exclusion as well as those with behavioural problems and learning disabilities, minority youths, most notably those from the Roma community, young people with disabilities, youth living in geographically and infrastructurally disconnected areas as well as other vulnerable groups.

Additionally, this project will create online and digital manuals for 3 educational modules related to health care, social justice and inclusion as well as a gendered perspective of violence, poverty and exclusion. They will contain quizzes, graphic materials, simulations and other learning tools as well as support and self-help for vulnerable youth groups for which we will make sure they are interesting and motivating, as we see great value in learning in a fun and enjoyable manner.
Project number UP. is worth 487,589.91 HRK, of which the European Social Fund provides 85%, and the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia provides 15% of the funds.
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund. The content article is the sole responsibility of the Ambidexter Club.