With the aim of suppression of all the forms of violence based on the sexual orientation and gender identity among youngsters and within the educational institutions, NGOs Zagreb Pride and LORI have initiated the project For schools without homophobia, transphobia and prejudice. Project is financed by the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth of the Government of Croatia and is being carried out from November 2015 to October 2016.
The project involves several activities for youngsters with the aim of their education and development of their tolerance; grand discussion with the purpose of pointing out the effects of homophobia and transphobia in the education to the public; and capacity building for organising NGOs.
Lectures for the high school students (2nd and/or 3rd grade) have the important aim of informing students on the topics related to sexual and gender minorities as well as on suppression of violence and/or abuse based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity. The programme and content of the class is complementary with the Health Education curriculum in the modules Prevention of the violent behaviours and Sexual/gender equality and responsible sexual behaviour. Project involves minimum of 6 lectures for approximately 120 high school students in the Primorje and Gorski Kotar County and the City of Zagreb. Poster for promotion of the equality and tolerance is distributed in 100 copies to schools, faculties, student dorms and gathering places for children and youngsters in Rijeka, Zagreb and several bigger cities within the Primorje and Gorski Kotar County. Human Library is a method which tackles discrimination and prejudice in a direct way. Human Library functions in the same way as ordinary one – readers come to lend a „book“. However, the difference is that in Human Library the books are persons, and „readers“ and „books“ enter a personal dialogue. More specifically, „books“ are members of vulnerable groups who frequently face prejudice and stereotypes and frequently are victims of discrimination and/or social exclusion. Therefore, by entering a constructive dialogue between the participants and „human books“, i.e. members of vulnerable groups, the platform for open and friendly conversation is being established. By personal approach and exchange of experiences, former attitudes are changed, negative tensions are decreased and the empathy towards others and different is increased. This activity is carried out with students from universities in Zagreb and Rijeka.
Grand discussion on the effects of homophobia and transophobia within the educational system is held in Zagreb with the aim of raising the awareness of the public and educational institutions on this issue as well as improving the national programmes and school policies in order to secure the enjoyment of right to education without discrimination on the bases of sexual orientation or gender identity.
NGO capacity building for organisers is carried out though following activities: a) training for lecturers in classes on human rights of the LGBT persons and violence/bullying against LGBT youth in high schools, and b) training on public advocacy in the field of education.
Project is financed by the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth of the Government of Croatia with support from available resources of partial income from lottery and State budget for 2015.