Friday, 14.10., 8-11 pm, Art-kino (Krešimirova 2)
For They Know Not What They Do (2019.)
Director: Daniel G. Karslake (US)
Runtime: 1 h 31 min
Language: English
Documentary film For They Know Not What They Do examines the intersection of religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity in America. In the wake of the Supreme Court case legalising marriage equality, the Right has launched a new campaign to limit the rights of LGBTQ citizens across the country. In collaboration with religious conservatives, politicians are invoking both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution in their arguments for the “religious freedom” to legally discriminate. By telling the stories of four families struggling with these issues, the film offers healing and understanding to those caught in the crosshairs of scripture, sexuality, and identity.

Director: Rosa Wiesauer (AT)
Runtime: 20 minuta
Language: English and German
Through the story of 5 people’s experiences, the director shifts the so-called male gaze, which implies looking at the world through a prism of heteronormativity and a dominant male role, into an “alternative regime of views”.

Q&A after the films: the director of Liburnia Film Festival, Jelena Androić, talks with the authors.