Smoqua 2022

It is clear that processing all the impressions and emotions that the sixth Smoquabrough will take quite some time. So much happened during these three days of hanging out and exchanging ideas and experiences – it was a combination of wonderful energy, lovely people
Smoqua 2022 is full of dynamic and interactive events calling you to join in! :) Check out the programme to make sure you know what happens when and where. For those not too inclined to click, we'll keep it short&sweet: Festival of Queer and Feminist Culture Smoqua queers-up Rijeka from October 13th
We are happy to announce the 6th Smoqua Festival of Queer and Feminist Culture, bursting with the power of friendship, community and love! LORI and PaRiter, the Smoqua Festival partner from its beginnings, are inviting you to what we hope will be an unforgettable experience of celebrating community, inclusion, discussion and fun in a safe space,
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