Smoqua 2022 is full of dynamic and interactive events calling you to join in! :)
Check out the programme to make sure you know what happens when and where. For those not too inclined to click, we'll keep it short&sweet:
Festival of Queer and Feminist Culture Smoqua queers-up Rijeka from October 13th- 15th 2022 on four venues in the very centre of the City That Flows.
Hanging out at the Festival Meeting Point//Thursday from 12 to 11 pm//OKC Palach
The festival meeting point and Smoqua’s loyal friend is, once again, OKC Palach (Kružna 8), where you can mingle, get information about the programme and LORI, take a photo with the #Smoqua2022 banner, win a prize or donate for cool promo materials. Your (literary, art... :)) contributions, inspired by the festival theme, are also welcome.
World Cafe: Queer Youth for You(th) //Thursday from 4 to 6 pm//OKC Palach
LORI queer mladi na originalan način obilježavaju Dane Erasmusa i Europsku godinu mladih! Za početak, tu su za druge mlade, a naročito queer – ako si i ti queer mlada osoba, imaš pitanja o LORI grupi mladih, ili se povezati s LGBTIQ+ zajednicom – dođi na jednu opuštenu ćakulu. 🙂
Quickie – queer speed dating//Thursday from 9 to 11 pm//OKC Palach

LORI Youth Group says: if you want to get to know the queer scene, make new acquaintances or simply try something different, embark on the adventure of speed dating. Sit back and mingle, and the Youth Group will make sure to create a warm environment for socialising and relaxed conversation.
For whom? For 18+ people of all gender and sexual identities.
What is speed dating? As the name suggests, speed dating is quick dating: you introduce yourself and talk for 5 minutes with each person 1 on 1, and at the end of the event you connect with the person/persons with whom you match.
Can people who are not looking for a romantic relationship come to the event? Of course! This event is the perfect place to get to know the community and create any kind of relationships.
Should I register before coming to the event?Nope, registration will be done at the venue.
Don't Get Angry! – board game x LELO//Saturday from 5 to 6:30 pm//OKC Palach

After a true hit quizz, LELO brings a bord game to Smoqua! If you are into board games and care for responsible sexual behaviour, apply with your team (4 people), think of a creative name and fill in the application form: The spaces are filling up fast, and the prizes are dazzling!