Compass: Human Rights Training

Organiser: StepEurope (Finland)

Partner organisations: Lesbian Organisation Rijeka - LORI (Croatia), Mozaiq (Romania), Human Rights & Equalities Charnwood – HREC (UK), KekpaDiek (Greece), IFALL – Integration FörAlla (Sweden) and ASAP Europe (Italy)

Compass: Human Rights Training is an Erasmus+ project intended to educate persons interested in human rights and youth workers educating youngsters on human rights.

Eight-day training is organized by CSO StepEurope and carried out in Kaarina (Finland) from 20th to 28th of March, 2016. Training involved 28participants from 7 Erasmus+ Programme countries (Finland, Sweden, Italy, Greece, Romania, UK and Croatia) as well as a team of four trainers/experts and three logistical and management support workers.

The main project activity is a training course on using the methods and organizing activities described in the Council of Europe’s ‘Compass’ Human Rights Education Manual.

The trainingis based on non-formal learning methods, including small group work, team-building activities, multimedia presentations, role play and social theatre. It will draw on Council of Europe’s educational resources, notably the Compass HRE Manual and its Training Kits.

The main aim of the project is to mainstream human rights education in youth work, particularly to counter the recent rise in xenophobia and hostility towards asylum seekers and migrants in Europe.

Specific project objectives are:

  • To review good practice in human rights education in partner countries
  • To share experiences of human rights challenges in partner countries, notably in relation to migration and asylum issues
  • To develop participants’ competences in human rights education
  • To train participants in using the Compass HRE Manual
  • To strengthen partnerships between partner organisations

The project’s main outcomes are increased competences of participants in facilitating human rights education and greater capacity of partner organisations. The course will have a strong multiplying effect as participants will organise local follow-up projects on human rights education in their home countries.



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